12 Technical Projects [1PPM]
Image source: Guy Sie

12 Technical Projects [1PPM]

As you can read in the summary of 12 books challenge I decided to try something different this year. In this post I will try to explain what I would like this project to be. I can only hope that you are already as hyped about this project as I am!

Trying to find a balance

The main issue I had with 12 books challenge is that it was highly theoretical, although I still love this project and do not regret anything about it, it’s time to spice things up a bit in 2017. Here is the rough idea: For the period of 12 months complete at least 12 technical challanges. The beauty of it is that you can decide on almost anything to be your month’s challenge. Some things that come to mind are:

  • Learn a new programming language for a month (I’m hoping to be able to finally give Ada a shot)
  • Build a robot/3d printer/plotter etc.
  • Read a technical book
  • Complete some MOOC or similar
  • Code something (mobile app, browser extension, desktop software, game etc.)
  • Create a technical tutorial
  • Write an article etc.

The main rule I hope I can follow is to avoid perfection, and focus on minimum viable prototype (in cases of some project types). I’m hoping to start the first project in January, I will make sure to post updates on this blog.

Happy coding!


I was initially planning to release this post on 31.12.2016 but I just learned that Gerhard Görlich came up with the idea of 1 project per month and therefore I decided to show my support! I also decided to use 1PPM tag on this blog to document my progress. Definitely take a look at Gerhard’s idea here!

Mateusz Sadowski

Mateusz Sadowski
Mat is a Robotics consultant and the author of Build Mobile Robots with ROS 2 LiveProject series.

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