A Roboticist Visits FOSDEM 2025

A Roboticist Visits FOSDEM 2025


This year, I paid my first visit to FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Software Developers’ European Meeting) and helped organize the Robotics and Simulation Devroom. This blog post summarizes my experience.

Last year, Kimberly McGuire approached me about organizing a robotics devroom at FOSDEM. One thing led to another, and we assembled a dream team of organizers for the “Robotics and Simulation Devroom”:

Devroom organizers
Organizers of the Robotics and Simulation Devroom

and just like that, I set off for a Club Mate-fueled endeavor where hackers meet open-source—or should I say, make open-source possible.

What sets FOSDEM apart from other conferences I attended in the last couple of years is the fact that the event is free to attend. I think it does not get more open-source than this.

The Robotics and Simulation devroom

Header Image of our Devroom
Graphics for our room by Michał Kalina

Our room hosted the first Robotics devroom in FOSDEM’s history. In the last section of this blog post, I’ll provide a list of robotics-related talks from previous FOSDEMs. We had a room for a half-day and managed to squeeze in 14 talks in less than four hours. This is largely due to many presenters agreeing to turn their talks into lightning talks. The room was full for most of the time, with people occasionally queuing outside to enter.

The talks I found interesting

Below is a short list of talks that I found interesting and attended:

Reachy Robot by Pollen robotics
Reachy used for a demo in the dora-rs presentation

Here is a list of talks I didn’t get to see but that I’ll catch up on once the videos are available:


High Quality Proposals Wanted

An image of a Robot Leaflet
Robbie developed by Kimberly to bravely promote our devroom during the event

This year, while organizing the Robotics and Simulation devroom, we received 24 proposals and had to make tough choices to fit them into half a day. We selected only the best and asked some speakers to condense their presentations into 5-minute lightning talks.

Some advice for next year’s applicants:

  • Make a super high-quality proposal. You are competing for a speaking slot with world-class roboticists, a two-sentence abstract won’t cut it, no matter the reputation of your project
  • Don’t use AI to write your proposal (reviewers can often tell, and you get huge minus points for that)
  • It’s always a good idea to submit a link to your repository in the proposal. It’s great if it shows some history of development and it’s not just a handful of commits


I booked the accommodation within walking distance of the venue, thinking it made perfect sense to be as close to it as possible. It turns out the right question to ask yourself is: Are you going to hang out with someone after the event? If you do, where will it happen? Would you prefer to commute early in the morning or at night?

On Friday and Saturday, I spent the evenings near the city center of Brussels with my fellow co-organizers and had to commute back at night towards the campus. In hindsight, I would prefer to sleep closer to the center and get to campus early.

Making it to see the talks

Often, the rooms are packed! If you find yourself going to a talk that might be popular, you get inside the room earlier. Once the rooms are full, you are not supposed to enter them for safety reasons.

Taking notes

When we organized the room, we asked the speakers to upload their slides to Pretalx. This meant that the slides showed up in the talk description and as an attendee, you could download it and make notes right there on the slides. If I just had my tablet with me!

List of robotics-adjacent talks throughout FOSDEM history







These are all the thoughts I have on FOSDEM 2025. See you in Brussels next year!

Mateusz Sadowski

Mateusz Sadowski
Mat is a Robotics consultant and the author of Build Mobile Robots with ROS 2 LiveProject series.

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