Car Project - Day 0

Car Project - Day 0

Recently I had an idea that I would like to play a bit with robotic cars. Here is a day 0 of my car project.

The goal of the project…

Ha!, Got you! There is no goal for the project. I want to keep playing with it, having fun and see what I will arrive to. I might or might not use ROS with it, there might also be some cameras, sensors and extra actuators involved in the future. But one thing is certain - it’s going to be fun. So I guess there is a goal after all.

Setting up

Look at this beautiful Nssmo Skyllin body:

HobbyKing Mission-D

Now throw it away, we won’t need it in this project. What is most important now is what is under the hood

R/C car insides

The parts of interest are:

  • Servo for steering wit ha rod attached to it that is used for steering
  • A DC brushed motor attached to a fairly sophisticated belt system (the car is 4WD)
  • An ESC for the brushed motor (there are some switches for reversing the motor direction and it says it accepts 2-3S batteries - something that needs to be investigated in the future)

Sadly the ESC comes with XHT connector which. That leaves me no other choice:

Killing the XHT
Au revoir to XHT

It had to be done because I have plenty of drone batteries that I can utilize and they are all with XT60 connectors. If you don’t like soldering or you starting with no batteries I recommend keeping XHT and buying batteries with XHT connectors.

XHT crime scene
It won't be missed


At this point I just had two things left to test my setup. Connecting the battery and R/C receiver. After I was done with it this happened:

Drift car is drifting

Next steps

There are some further steps I already have in mind for this R/C car:

  • Add some sort of controller thing
  • Add a plate for holding all the future components (to make sure they don’t make their way into the drive train)
  • Replace the wheels with some that actually have some traction

Stay tuned for more information!

Part list

For the sake of completeness, here is what I used in the setup described above:

The only reason I went with FrSky transmitter and receiver is that I already have them, if I had to start from nothing I would get something cheaper (probably a 2 channel RC car transmitter and receiver). Similarly the reason I got a battery with XT60 connector is that I can reuse the batteries I already have. If you want to start from scratch I would suggest getting a battery with a HXT connector that will match the one on the car (If you want to miss the fun of soldering XT60 connector on the car’s ESC that is).

Mateusz Sadowski

Mateusz Sadowski
Mat is a Robotics consultant and the author of Build Mobile Robots with ROS 2 LiveProject series.

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