LiPo batteries can be very dangerous. The picture in a header is a real life example why you should pay close attention to safety when handling them. In this post I will try show you what might happen when you mistreat your batteries and give some tipis how to handle them safely.
12 Technical Projects [1PPM]
As you can read in the summary of 12 books challenge I decided to try something different this year. In this post I will try to explain what I would like this project to be. I can only hope that you are already as hyped about this project as I am!
A brief summary of 12 books project
So, naturally the 12 books challenge came to an end together with 2016 (what a year by the way!). Personally this year was quite challenging as I was involved in some crazy robotics projects, lead for a while an awesome team of engineers. OK, OK, enough blabling about irrelevant things, let’s focus on the 12 books challenge!
Getting started in electronics review
This is the review of the last book that I completed in 2016 for the 12 books challange. The reason I picked this book in the first place was to refresh basic electronics knowledge to be able to kick start some personal projects (just in case I had to exchange robots for food).
Git intermediate
Are you unsure about the level of your Git skills? Or did you start using Git recently and would like some pointers on where to go next? I hope I will be able to help you in both cases.
It’s going to be subjective
I don’t know of any metrics that you can use to assess one’s level of any version control system, therefore this article will be heavily subjective. If you know everything I mention in this article then in my personal opinion you can claim you know Git on at least intermediate level. If you aim at higher level of understanding Git then I would suggest you eventually go through Git source code and hopefully contribute to the development.
This article assumes you have at least basic understanding of Git, if you are just starting with Git then please consider covering the basics first. It also assumes you are working with Git console (IDEs do not count!). Without further due let’s get to the fun parts!
Updated looks of the blog!
Returning readers (all two of them) might notice enormous change in the quality of logotypes on the blog now. The logo was made by Ala Wojczakowska and if you like it then make sure to check out her portfolio, where you will find heaps of innovative and cool designs!
2 years ago I launched a rocket (almost) into space - here is what I learned!
I’ve always been fortunate when it comes to finding great learning opportunities. In years 2013-2014 I hit a jackpot, as I spent over a year learning awesome things at Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. One of the courses I was lucky to take was Space Technology that was finished by a sounding rocket campaign. Do you want to know what I’ve learned? Then read on! (There will be a prize for if you make till the end)