This month I received a sample X2 LiDAR from YDLIDAR. In this blog post I’m documenting my experience using it and using it for SLAM using ROS and Google Cartographer.
One year of working as a Robotics consultant
It has been one year since I decided to go solo and start working as a Robotics consultant/contractor. In this post I’ll sum up my experience so far.
Livox Mid-40 LiDAR review
Continuing on my excursion in LiDAR testing I gave a Livox Mid-40 a spin. This post sums up my experience working with it for couple of days.
YDLIDAR X4 - ROS review
Recently I gave YDLIDAR X4 a spin, in this post I’m documenting my experience using it together with EAIBOT ydlidar ROS package.
1% For the Planet
Inspired how Patagonia does business I decided to join 1% For The Planet, pledging to donate at least 1% of sales to environmental non-profit organizations.
Handling dead nodes in ROS
By default ROS doesn’t indicate what is the state of a particular node. If a node exits abnormally (for example when an exception is raised, or a computer running the node is power cycled) ROS master will still hold a reference to this node. Fortunately there are some tools that can help you check/clean the node status.
Weekly Robotics
Couple of weeks ago I started working on a side project WeeklyRobotics. In this post I’m describing the project in detail and discuss how it’s been working so far.